Creating Group Referral Progress (GRP) Reports

Using par8o to manage referrals provides insight to several metrics related to referral management that help managers understand how to improve the referral experience for the patient. 

The primary report is called the Group Referral Progress report and is available to both Office Admins and Client Admins, although Client Admins will be able to generate several other types of reports as well.

Once you generate a report, par8o will either automatically download the report to your computer or display the report on the web page, depending on the size of the report.

If you generate a report and close the web page, par8o will automatically email you a link to the report which is valid for 24 hours. If you want to view the report beyond the 24 hour time period, download the report before the link expires.

If you are a Client Admin, you can reduce the size of the report by adjusting the Created At and Updated At date selections and select Offices to run the report for.

To Create a Group Referral Progress Report:

  1. Click Reports.
  2. Click Group Referral Progress.
  3. Under Start Date, select the year, month, and date at which you'd like to begin the report.
  4. Under End Date, select the year, month, and date at which you'd like to end the report.
  5. Under Office, select whether you'd like to include information from all offices that you manage or a single office.
  6. Click Generate Report. Be patient while the report loads. If the report is large, a CSV file will automatically download to your PC. If the report is smaller, you have the option to download the report by clicking a Download CSV button.

Group Referral Progress Report columns

Field Name Definition
Referral ID Unique ID assigned by par8o
Referral Status The current state of the referral. (Draft, Pending, In-Progress, Follow-Up, Completed)
MRN MRN of the patient
Patient Name Patient name
Patient DOB Patient date of birth
Initiating System Integration source or method if the referral is created via integration
Reason Any information included in the Reason for Referral box.
Insurance Company Insurance company selected on the referrals
Insurance Plan Insurance plan selected on the referrals
ICD-10 Chosen The ICD-10 as indicated in the referral.
Date Created The date the referral first appeared as a draft.
Time Created The time the referral first appeared as a draft.
Original Date Sent The date the referral was first sent to a receiving provider or group.
Time Sent The time the referral was first sent to a receiving provider or group.
Specialty Chosen The selected referral specialty.
Timeframe The selected referral urgency.
Attached Document? Indicates whether or not a document was attached to the referral upon sending.
Appointment Date The date of the patient's appointment.
Appointment Time The time of the patient's appointment.
Insurance Referral Requested? Was an insurance auth requested? (Y/N)
Appointment Outcome Outcome of the patient's appointment based on either patient response to text or receiving staff documentation for referrals that enter follow-up state.
Final Referral Medium How the referral was sent (Online or Fax).
Completion Reason The reason referral moved to "Complete" state. This reason may be due to a variety of reasons, including auto-completion.
Referred From Sending provider's name
Sending Provider NPI Sending providers' NPI
Sending User The person who sent the referral on behalf of the sending provider or group.
Sending Office ID Id of the sending office
Sending Office The physical address of the sending office.
Sending Office Tax ID Number Tax Id of the sending office
Sending Master Group Sending Master Group for the referral
Sending Provider Specialties Specialties of sending provider separated by comma
Originally Referred To The name of the first provider who received the referral
Originally Referred To Provider NPI The NPI of the first provider who received the referral
Finally Referred To The final receiving provider's name. The original receiving provider may not be the final receiving provider, as a referral may be forwarded or reassigned.
Receiving Provider Specialty Specialties of the final receiving provider
Finally Referred to Provider NPI The final receiving provider National Provider Identified (NPI). See final receiving provider for detailed definition.
Receiving User The person who took the first action on the referral, whether contacting/scheduling, declining or forwarding.
Office Originally Referred To The first office who received the referral
Final Receiving Office ID Office Id of the final receiving office
Final Receiving Office The office location of the final receiving provider.
Final Receiving Office Tax ID Number Tax Id of the final receiving office
Final Receiving Office Zip Zip code of the final receiving office
Receiving Master Group The master group of the receiving provider. If the provider is a part of multiple master groups this field may be blank.
Declined? Has the referral has ever been declined.? (Y/N)
Reason for Decline If the receiving office declined the appointment and indicated a reason, the reason is available in this column. See below for additional details.
Out of Network Has the referral been sent out of network during the first assignment of a provider? (Y/N)
Out of Network Reason If the referral is sent to an out of network provider, the reason is available in this column. Note: not all clients use out of network reasons
Date of First Action Date when a first receiving action such as contact patient, schedule referral, decline referral, etc is taken
Time of First Action Time when a first receiving action such as contact patient, schedule referral, decline referral, etc is taken
Date of Last Action Date when the last receiving action such as contact patient, schedule referral, decline referral, etc is taken
Time of Last Action Time when the last receiving action such as contact patient, schedule referral, decline referral, etc is taken
Calls Logged The number of calls made to the patient.
Time Spent In Progress Duration the referral spent in "In-Progress" state
Lead Time to Patient Engagement Duration the referral spent in "Pending" state for the current receiving provider. The value resets when the referral is re-assigned or forwarded
Time to First Action (business hours) The amount of time between sending a referral and time that an action was taken (can be contacting, scheduling, declining, or forwarding).
Time to Apt (business days) The amount of time between the time the referral was sent and the date and time of the appointment.
Was the apt within requested timeframe? Information in this column indicates whether or not the patient was able to see the specialist in the timeframe indicated by the sending provider.
Reason for scheduling outside the urgency timeframe If a reason was captured that explains why the appointment was scheduled outside of the requested urgency, information is available in this column.
User who Scheduled User who scheduled the referral
Scheduled Date Date when the referral is scheduled
Scheduled Time Time when the referral is scheduled
Referral Sent Outside Payer? Was the referral was sent to a provider who does not take the patient's insurance plan according to par8o data? (Y/N)
Referral Scheduled Outside Payer? Was the referral was scheduled with a provider who does not take the patient's insurance plan according to par8o data? (Y/N)
Number of Times Reassigned Number of times the referral is re-assigned
Date of Final Reassign Date when the final re-assignment of referral happened
Time of Final Reassign Time when the final re-assignment of referral happened
Receiver Attached Notes Did the receiving office attach documentation to referral after appointment when recording the appointment outcome? (Y/N)
Receiver Attach Medium This field signifies how a receiving user attached a document while using the 'log appointment outcome' feature.
Auth Required A referral was put into the authorization required during the referral lifecycle (Yes or No)
Auth Required User The user that put the referral into the Auth Required
Auth Pending A referral was put into the authorization pending during the referral lifecycle (Yes or No)
Auth Pending User The user that put the referral into the Auth Pending
Auth Obtained A referral was put into the authorization obtained during the referral lifecycle (Yes or No)
Auth Obtained User The user that put the referral into the Auth Obtained
Auth Declined A referral that was put into the authorization declined during the referral lifecycle (Yes or No)
Auth Declined User The user that put the referral into the Auth Declined
Print Report Whether the user printed referral report (Y / N)
Count of Fax Fails Number of times fax failed for this referral. Only applicable for referral transmitted by fax
Final Referral Medium The medium when the referral was sent to a provider last time (Online /Fax) (If a referral was sent online the value of the field should be "Online" else "Fax")
Added To Call Center List All distinct call centers the referral was added to separated by comma
Removed From Call Center List All distinct call centers the referral was removed from separated by comma
Referral Owner Email The email address of the user currently assigned to the referral

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