Accessing Office Admin Page
Cloudmed’s Office Admin is a special type of account, typically given to a manager or supervisor at an office. It's important that each office has an appointed Office Admin on par8o. Having a designated person to maintain and manage your Cloudmed account is the best way to ensure provider and staff information stays up-to-date so referrals are handled in the best way possible!
Office Admin rights can only be granted by Cloudmed’s Support team or the Client Admin for your organization.
Here is how to access your Office Admin page:
1. Click your name in the upper right corner of the screen within your account. A drop-down menu will display.

3. Then, once in you're in your Office Admin” tab, you will have access to manage your office, groups, providers, and users, as well as view all referrals and reporting for your office.

Quick links to how you can do the following: