I’m a network admin and am responsible for sending Cloudmed the files that update provider and office data. I noticed some of the changes in our files aren’t reflected in par8o, and it’s not in the error report. Why?

If someone in Cloudmed - whether a support admin or an office admin - edits provider or office data, we consider it a “human override” and stop updating the information from the file. 

There is an audit report available to all client admin types that tells you what these changes are that are in place. You’ll need to check the audit report, full log, and the error log to see why file changes aren’t reflected in par8o. 

If you need to make an adjustment to an office or provider that has a human override data component in place, you’ll need to edit that information from the client admin part of par8o - or you can look up the office admin, and ask the office admin to make the changes.

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