End of 2021 Update: Referral Form and Workqueue Updates for Efficiencies and More!
The end of 2021 was full of impactful changes for the par8o platform. With new fields in the referral form, additional workqueue functionality, and more detailed reporting, par8o continues to add value to organization’s referral management program.
In this update, we'll cover functionality related to the:
- Referral Form
- par8o Workqueue, and
- Group Referral Progress report
Updates to the par8o Referral Form
- Required Documents refresh: Many specialist offices find it helpful to let sending offices know of requirements to book appointments with their clinic ahead of receiving a referral. For example, offices may require certain information such as patient insurance details or medical records and may makeoperational requests (e.g. “ Please call office to schedule a weekend appointment”). We’ve renamed the ‘Required Documents’ feature to ‘Office Referral Requirements’ to better encompass the broad set of details that may be important for an office to communicate to their referral partners.
- Office Referral Requirements are displayed to the staff at the sending provider’s office when selecting a provider to refer to.
- Office Referral Requirements are displayed to the staff at the sending provider’s office when selecting a provider to refer to.
- Secondary Insurance Available on Referral Form. Some patients have secondary insurances to cover care not covered by their primary plan. We’ve added a place to list out additional insurance coverage on the Referral Form so receiving practices can have a patient’s full information before scheduling. Note: this field does not impact the CareCompass recommendation lists.
New Work Queue Functionality
- Saved Filters. This new feature makes using filters within the work queue even easier. Now staff can save filter searches and create filter combinations to use easily and quickly in the future. This means that staff can filter the work queue to their preferences with just one click! Of course, saved filters can always be edited or removed.
- Updated access for referral owners. In November, we made it easier for staff to locate other staff within their organization when using the Referral Ownership feature. Referral owners can be added directly from the work queue or from the referral itself. This update is specifically helpful for staff who work at a call center or across many offices at their organization.
- More clearly labeled referral notes. Now when scanning the work queue staff will not only be able to see the last note left on a referral but will also see the date and time that note was made.
More Detailed Referral Reporting
- For both client and office admins, we’ve added additional fields on the GRP report:
- Last Status Before Completion. For all referrals that have been completed at least once, this will display the last referral status of the referral prior to it being completed. For referrals that have been completed more than once, the details for the last completion occurrence will be shown. This helps to provide transparency regarding the last status of the referral before it is completed or auto completed, and who was the last user to take on the action on the referral.
- Referral Owner. This field shows staff who are assigned as owners for the referral at the time the report was pulled. This is helpful for managers to keep track of the which staff are managing which referrals-- an important insight for organizations who rely on this key par8o feature!