Managing Provider Specialities

How to Add or Remove Provider Specialties

Specialities are an important part of the providers profile in par8o. A provider's speciality is used to surface a list of providers in the CareCompass so staff can direct the patient to the best provider for their specific needs. Below are the steps to adding and removing a speciality from a provider's profile.  

*Please note: if information for your office are managed via an import file, disregard the steps below and contact the person in your organization responsible for the import file. If you happen to make the changes manually (by following the given steps below), the import file will not update any added or removed specialities (human edits are "sticky" in par8o). 

To Add or Remove a Provide Specialty:

1. Navigate to the Office Admin section of your par8o account.  
2. Click Manage Providers

3. Find the Provider you'd like to edit. On the left-hand side panel, enter either the Provider's NPI or the Provider's name, and then select Filter

4. When the list surfaces, select the provider’s name. This will open a new page with the provider’s details.

5. Under the Provider Profile Information section, on the right-hand side select Edit Profile Information.

6. To Add a new specialty for a provider, under the specialties section, click into the specialties box. Begin to type the specialty you'd like to add. The system will start listing the specialties after a few characters are typed. Ensure to enter the specialty in this designated section for your organization. This will list the specialties used by your organization. 

  • Once selected, the specialty will appear in the box.
  • Then select Save Changes at the top right of the page.
7. To Remove a specialty, select the “x” next to the specialty name that should be removed under your organization's specialties field box. Multiple specialties can be deleted by selecting “x” next to each specialty listed. 
8. Then select Save Changes at the top right of the page.

If you are unable to find a specialty:

If there is a specialty that you are not seeing within the list during addition, please send a ticket to so they can work with the appropriate client leads to manage speciality additions. 
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