Best Practices for Sending Referrals

The Best Practices listed below will help you get the most out of par8o, helping to provide better care to your office's patients.

  • During checkout, tell the patient to expect contact from the receiving provider-- it’s important to set the right expectations!
  • Respond to chat messages from receiving offices as soon as possible. If you can’t provide an immediate answer, write a note to tell the receiving office that the request is in progress.
  • For same-day referrals, call the receiving office in addition to sending the referral through par8o.
  • If a receiving provider has declined a referral, assign it to a new provider or archive it.

* When sending a referral, you might not see your provider's name on the dropdown. Depending on the number of providers your office has, you might need to type in the name of the provider for them to show. If you do not see your provider on the dropdown please start typing the provider's name in the search box.

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